Eric Topol Discusses Covid Vaccines Not Meeting Expectations, Breakthrough Cases Sicker
The data on US Covid cases and deaths are bad enough that members of the science establishment like Eric Topol are questioning the vaccines
Read more...The data on US Covid cases and deaths are bad enough that members of the science establishment like Eric Topol are questioning the vaccines
Read more...The officialdom is ignoring a possible dire Covid risk if it materializes: new variants and mutations in rats jumping to humans.
Read more...Author Sam Kean follows the long trail of amoral scientists, and their justifications.
Read more...A PFAS survey: chemistry, products, harms, exposure, remediation, regulation, and Maine’s pioneering PFAS legislation
Read more...Cleveland Clinic’s and the CDC Foundation’s unsound Clorox sponsorship confirms that the US has the best medical system that money can buy.
Read more...The Covid propagation and vaccine news is not pointing to happy outcomes
Read more...Vaccine enthusiasm has blinded people who should know better to Covid downside risks. And as Taleb warned, tails are fat.
Read more...How the ralllying cry of “Follow the science” is looking more and more like sloganeernig as opposed to best practice.
Read more...The pandemic is largely to be over in the Global North, at least among the vaccinated…or so it seems.
Read more...Yet more types of long Covid damage, this one particularly debilitating.
Read more...Beavers engineer the landscape to create carbon sinks and methane sources. What to do?
Read more...How US Covid policy is producing far more deaths and disability here and around the world than necessary.
Read more...Why the policy-making part of the CDC should be burned to the ground: it’s highly politicized yet not very good at politics.
Read more...Top scholars charge the online publication Frontiers in Pharmacology with gross editorial misconduct in spiking articles on Covid treatments.
Read more...Tired: Droplets, fomites. Wired: Aerosols. Let us go forth and mitigate!