One Issue Proved Key to the Opposition’s Stunning Success in India’s Election: Caste Politics
Did Modi’s BJP suffer a setback due to failing to provide enough economic benefits to lower-caste voters?
Read more...Did Modi’s BJP suffer a setback due to failing to provide enough economic benefits to lower-caste voters?
Read more...A cogent discussion of the complex, accelerating legitimacy crisis masked by bleats about “defending our democracy”
Read more...Biden attempts to throw big bone to the right on immigration. But will he satisfy anyone?
Read more...The apparatus behind the explosion of police crackdowns against campus anti-Gaza-genocide protests has been very long in the making.
Read more...Most green energy boosters skip over which workers will win and lose. This post addresses that oversight.
Read more...“Modern” elements of enterprise were present in Mesopotamia in the third millennium BC and the institutions supported long-term growth
Read more...US policy towards the homeless becomes ever more mean-spirited, apparently to justify not dealing with the problem of unaffordable housing.
Read more...The high cost and risks of the Biden Administration commitment to pursue forever wars with Russia and China.
Read more...Governments and private entities are eroding privacy on the internet. Is it possible to safeguard both openness and security in cyberspace?
Read more...“The Wire” as a worked example on the nature and pace of change. Do you agree?
Read more...The economic components that have served as the dehumanizing foundation to Israel’s current “plausible” genocide share many similarities with poor Americans and migrant laborers who are treated as disposable in the US.
Read more...For millions of new parents, medical debt is now as much a hallmark of having children as long nights and dirty diapers.
Read more...Experts describe how requiring U.S. seniors to work in their old age often threatens their health and well-being.
Read more...A hard look at the use of the notion of populism in recent political discourse, starting with the curious lack of self-professed populists.
Read more...A discussion of how the rich got to be that way and why their justifications for their advantaged status don’t stand up to much scrutiny.