A Philosopher Looks at Work in Our Modern World
Thinking more deeply about what work is and how it is changing.
Read more...Thinking more deeply about what work is and how it is changing.
Read more...A society that refuses to provide safe and secure housing for every single person is a failure.
Read more...Quelle surprise! Voters are concerned about matters that affect them personally, like abortion access and health care costs.
Read more...Sahra Wagenknecht wants to inject some reason back into German politics with a focus on the working class, but to do that she will also have to take on the Atlanticists running the country into the ground.
Read more...Better tools make it easier to detect most types of plagiarism than in even the recent past. But where should gatekeepers go with that?
Read more...Why is the left so lousy at messaging?
Read more...A look at the development of the idea of identity.
Read more...Yves here. This paper provides yet another lens into the deterioration of civic values in the US and the more-related-than-you’d-think difficulties the US is having meeting military recruitment goals, In the UK, there’s a solid correlation between per capita WWI losses in the UK and various pro-social activities….including enlistment for WWII. The authors posit a […]
Read more...By Mitchell Black and Noam N. Levey. Cross posted from KFF Health News. It took little more than an hour for Deborah Hackler to dispense with the tall stack of debt collection lawsuits that McAlester Regional Medical Center recently brought to small-claims court in this Oklahoma farm community. Hackler, a lawyer who sues patients on […]
Read more...How world leaders and big money interests are resorting to increasingly desperate and destructive strategies to maintain their grip on power.
Read more...Young activists are more prevalent and effective than our orthodoxy-enforcing media and pols would have you believe.
Read more...Eric Laursen, author of The People’s Pension, explains the campaign of sneak attacks and misinformation against Social Security.
Read more...A look at what Covid-19 revealed was wrong about science (or more accurately, “the science”, and what might be done.
Read more...An in-depth yet lively debunking by Richard Wolff and Michael Hudson of Panglossian depictions of the state of the US economy and society.
Read more...There’s controversy over how good a proxy the degree of food processing is for the nutritional value of food. Nevertheless, there is also substantial evidence that the category of ultraprocessed, which includes some arguably not-bad offerings like whole grain bread,1 contribute in a big way to bad health outcomes. The US, with its large food […]