Category Archives: Social policy

Privacy in the Wake of Dobbs: How Safe Are Your Medical Records and Digital Data If Prosecutors or Bounty Hunters from No-Choice States Come Knocking?

To answer the privacy question posed in the headline in a couple of words: not very. Expect a flurry of litigation involving no-choice and pro-choice states and the feds on issues of extraterritoriality, enforcement, and evidence.


What Might the US Be Like Post-Roe v Wade? Look at Present-Day Nigeria

Yves here. This using Nigeria as a forecast for the US is hyperbolic, since even if Roe v. Wade is overruled or narrowed, it then becomes a states-rights matter, and quite a few states will allow for abortions and many are likely to strengthen their laws. Moreover, laws by states to criminalize abortions and facilitating […]