Rob Urie: Biden Visits Hitler’s Bunker, Sends for a Decorator: Israel and Ukraine Edition
The US is losing power and geopolitical legitimacy by its mishandling, or one might say misguided handling, its clients Israel and Ukraine.
Read more...The US is losing power and geopolitical legitimacy by its mishandling, or one might say misguided handling, its clients Israel and Ukraine.
Read more...The role of ideology in bad Covid science and its amplification.
Read more...Suggesting that both sides are equally to blame in the conflict in Gaza is not a defensible position
Read more...A sane look at the handwringing over today’s supposedly unique and dangerous misinformation.
Read more...A useful debunking of the consultant-enriching, board-distracting, and potentially regulatory-underming con known as ESG investing.
Read more...Tax breaks to the rich mean less revenue, higher deficits, and more calls to gut programs like Social Security that protect ordinary citizens
Read more...A look at how different communities are deploying opioid settlement cash. But no clear data on policing versus treatment.
Read more...New York City will send arriving migrant families seeking shelter to a former airfield. Those now in shelters get 60-day eviction notices.
Read more...Confirming that investors in football (as in the kind played all over the world) have money to burn, because that’s what they are probably doing.
Read more...Deaths of despair turn out to be more widespread than thought earlier. Yet lack of interest in this collective tragedy persists.
Read more...Rob Urie provides a follow-on post to focus on a topic he mentioned in passing: fascism on the left, and fascism generally.
Read more...American leadership drunk on its belief in its exceptionalism, drone and war with China edition.
Read more...European “nationalist” governments embrace EU-prescribed austerity and pursue exploitable immigrant labor for their overlords despite running on anti-immigrant platforms.
Read more...Some sightings on the “your smartphone is a spy” front.
Read more...The surprising history of the car in the U.S. offers hope for a shift toward more climate-friendly transportation options.