Why French Streets Are on Fire Again
The Nanterre killing & banlieue riots show the problems of the French government, media, and dominant culture with “post-colonial” minorities.
Read more...The Nanterre killing & banlieue riots show the problems of the French government, media, and dominant culture with “post-colonial” minorities.
Read more...Some links from Thomas Neuburger loosely related to the theme of the Fourth of July. Be sure to check ou the one on WhatsApp.
Read more...How corporate interests created Americanization Day, later Independence Day, to counter the rising labor movement.
Read more...Is the big challenge to the UK Ireland unification rather than Scottish independence?
Read more...Despite billions spent on homelessness, the problem is only getting worse due to a failure to take on exceptional American rapaciousness.
Read more...A challenge to arguments about the health benefits of increasing minimum wages. Readers?
Read more...Using Norwegian registry data, this column documents that the increased supply of fast food restaurants could be responsible for as much as 35% of the increase in BMI and 27% of the decline in cognitive ability observed across cohorts born during the 1980s.
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Read more...Some thoughts about why US and UK politicians are so bad
Read more...Do you agree with that the idea that campuses have a lot of censorship is greatly exaggerated?
Read more...In what’s known as the Medicaid unwinding, states are combing through rolls and deciding who stays and who goes. People who are no longer eligible or don’t complete paperwork in time will be dropped.
Read more...On the decay of executive function, or why just about no one seems able to manage his way out of a paper bag.
Read more...A recent push to legalize assisted dying in France obscures more fundamental problems that plague end-of-life care.
Read more...Michael Hudson explains how the treatment of debt winds up determing social structure.