A Stunning Political Comeback for Israel’s Netanyahu May Give Way to Governing Nightmare Ahead
Has the wily Netanyahu backed himself into a corner?
Read more...Has the wily Netanyahu backed himself into a corner?
Read more...Is Twitter really a hellscape of hate and bigotry? And what will happen to Twitter now that Musk has taken it over?
Read more...Another tour de force with Michael Hudson, covering development, rentierism, economic narratives, debt dynamics, and the rise of China.
Read more...Lula wins by a whisker, but the Bolsonao Christian Right remains a powerful threat.
Read more...Tool libraries lend implements and devices and provide guidance to community members who can’t afford to own or store their own tools.
Read more...Lula is BAACK! A big night for Brazil!
Read more...States and localities across the US continue to pass laws criminalizing “public camping” and other draconian crackdowns on the increasing number of homeless people in the country.
Read more...Satyajit Das continues his tour of the breakup of the world order, here focusing on financial/economic dislocations and dysfunctional elites
Read more...Big oil has some mighty pretty commercials.
Read more...Rishi Sunak has a Mission Impossible even before getting to his bad impulses. Most countries in the West face the same long list of problems
Read more...A takedown of the pretenses of the professional managerial class.
Read more...Many students say that the way Texas schools are currently conducting drills has a lasting impact.
Read more...I cannot recall such a combination of hoity-toity disparagement and society-wide officiousness in my lifetime
Read more...Humans are meant to feel and embrace a full range of emotions.
Read more...Historical transhumant pastoralism is strongly predictive of greater present-day in-group relative to out-group trust.