Safe Speech vs Free Speech: Higher Education’s False Dilemma
Universities should remember that the original purpose of free speech was to empower the weak, not to shelter them.
Read more...Universities should remember that the original purpose of free speech was to empower the weak, not to shelter them.
Read more...“Caring economy” sounds awfully soft and fuzzy. However, it may finally be time to reject utlitarian views of how we organize our resources.
Read more...While Plato, following Socrates, saw money as leading to hubris, Greek philosophers didn’t care much for working men either.
Read more...Hysteria was removed from the DSM as a disorder in the 1980s, apparenlty making it safe as the business model of the neoliberal age.
Read more...Puttig some metrics on America’s dedicated killing devices, from guns to armaments.
Read more...Prince Philip pulled together TV, tabloids and monarchy. But that won’t work for younger generations – as Harry and Meghan know
Read more...A doctor describes how the officialdom’s arrogant, “one size fits all” vaccine messaging is backfiring by alienating conservative Christians.
Read more...Liz Theoharis commemorates the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “Beyond Vietnam” speech.
Read more...Some Christian evangelicals are rejecting Covid vacccines, and some of the current approches to increasing uptake will backfire with them.
Read more...Right to die laws are scarce in the US, and too often a muddle where they
Read more...Hundreds of millions of dollars for anti-trafficking/slavery sidesteps how rich countries exploit labour in poor nations.
Read more...Why it’s socialists’ fault that that big ship is stuck in the Suez.
Read more...The travel genie is about to leave the bottle.
Read more...As the well off sail on, either unaffected by or profiting from Covid’s impact, for many, the economic damage is severe and lasting.
Read more...Trying to make sense of crypto art.