Category Archives: Social values

Marcie Frost Indictment: Overwhelming Majority of Investment Professionals Would Not Recommend Joining CalPERS

A survey of CalPERS’ investment professionals reveals that CalPERS is one big unhappy family. Not only that, it shows that they’ve become less happy in the last year, since Ben Meng became Chief Investment Officer. We’ve embedded the summary page of the survey, but this section shows that less than 1/4 of CalPERS’ investment professional […]


Let’s Crush the Woke Plutonomy! An Interview + Review of The Populist’s Guide to 2020: A New Right and New Left are Rising by Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti

How the ordering of the world to suit the 1% – also known as plutonomy – has generated long-overdue “populist” pushback.