As Pressure Mounts, Biden Considers Extending Pause of Student Loan Payments
Biden is signaling he might retreat on resuming student debt payments. But is this simply a ploy in light of the BBB brick wall?
Read more...Biden is signaling he might retreat on resuming student debt payments. But is this simply a ploy in light of the BBB brick wall?
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Read more...Columbia stands out in what a bad deal its graduate arts programs are. And President Bollinger is either clueless or indifferent.
Read more...Michael Hudson gives a hard look at the typical excuses for not cancelling student debt and finds them wanting.
Read more...Why the student loan mess is even worse than you thought.
Read more...More on how neoliberalism has been digging a grave for universities.
Read more...Biden could resort to a simple bankruptcy fix for the student loan mess. But would he?
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Read more...Households and businesses are overloaded with debt. Richard Vague offers a set of proposals for how to restructure it.
Read more...Colleges and universities need to be saved, not only from financial ruin, but also, all too often, from themselves.
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Read more...US universities are facing a world of hurt.
Read more...Michael Hudson rings the changes on some of his favorite themes: the logic of ancient debt jubilees. and the role of finance in contemporary rent extraction.