Student Enrollment Dropped 11% Since 2011, Student-Loan Balances Surged 74%. Why?
Drilling into why the student loan problem keeps getting worse.
Read more...Drilling into why the student loan problem keeps getting worse.
Read more...Harvard graduate students are on strike demanding fairer wages, adequate healthcare, and protections from discrimination.
Read more...Shed a crocodile tear for investors in student loans: they are sometimes discomfited by short-lived downgrades when loan maturities are pushed out.
Read more...Sanders commissioned a GAO report on how high student debt levels and lousy wages translate into poor economic prospects for young people.
Read more...Subprime loan repayment continues to deteriorate. What is going on?
Read more...A proposal to fix income-based repayment schemes for student loan debt unwittingly illustrates the deficiencies of “preserve the status quo” approaches.
Read more...Sanders’ and Warren’s supposedly wild eyed ideas of cancelling student debt and making college tuition free get a thumbs up in a new poll.
Read more...The student debt crisis has produced a decline in homeownership, marriage, and childbearing rates among the young.
Read more...Estimating the scope of corruption in the college admissions process.
Read more...Young people with pretty high incomes are sinking under debt.
Read more...A far-ranging plan for cleaning up the student loan mess.
Read more...The infamous HAMP program, which the Administration revised so many times on the fly as to give incompetent and mendacious mortgage servicers air cover for failing to modify mortgages, at least had a stealth purpose. As Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said to the SIGTARP’s Neil Barofsky, it was to foam the runway for banks by […]
Read more...Consumer debt continues to grind upwards.
Read more...Michael Hudson on his themes of how banks are mainly funding real estate rather than the economy and the problem of failing to write down debt that can’t be repaid.
Read more...Students get a rare break on the student debt front.