Payday Lending and the CFPB: Another Pending Cordray Fail
CFPB director Richard Corday’s failure to push for a payday lending rule earlier means we’ll see no rule, for the indefinite future.
Read more...CFPB director Richard Corday’s failure to push for a payday lending rule earlier means we’ll see no rule, for the indefinite future.
Read more...California to lower passing score for its state bar to increase; Judge Posner suggests Supreme Court seats should be open to non-lawyers.
Read more...More pushback against Betty DeVos’ support for educational profiteering.
Read more...CFPB report details errors and practices of student loan servicers that will bar borrowers from qualifying for debt forgiveness.
Read more...The wage gap hits women hard in paying off student debt.
Read more...Students as the new NINJA creditors, and the broader implications of the use of debt as an instrument of social control.
Read more...Cuomo’s plan Is means-tested, doesn’t cover fees, covers full-time students only, and has a residency requirement, clawbacks, and “crapshoot” clause
Read more...The student debt problem is only getting worse and no one in power has any interest in addressing it.
Read more...We’ve written from time to time that not all debt is created equal. Prudent business borrowing enables companies to make investments and expand operations. And even though governments like the US that issue their own currency may nevertheless sell bonds, operationally they can simply create more dough to fund spending. The constraint on spending is […]
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Read more...Rising student loan defaults by older borrowers leads some to see Social Security benefits garnished, pushing some below the poverty line.
Read more...The CFPB’s Project Catalyst relies on the financial innovation fairy to produce consumer-friendly financial products rather than regulation.
Read more...A new survey on the outlook of Millennials finds they are not happy campers, and for good reason.
Read more...What Clinton needs to do to win Millennials.
Read more...Neoliberal U in Australia.