Two Modest Proposals to Improve the Wages and Working Conditions of Contingent Academic Labor
I hope these proposals are accepted in the spirit with which they are given.
Read more...I hope these proposals are accepted in the spirit with which they are given.
Read more...Welcome to Neoliberal U!
Read more...Michael Hudson discusses some of his favorite themes; debt deflation, the high cost of consumer debt, negative interest rates.
Read more...Student debt isn’t just a millstone around young people’s necks; it’s weighing down the economy.
Read more...A comparison of the Clinton and Sanders campaign platforms on student loans [sic].
Read more...Health care loans are the equivalent of mortgages for large health care expenses. What could go wrong?
Read more...By David Dayen, a freelance writer (Salon, The Intercept, The New Republic, etc.) and author of Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street’s Great Foreclosure Fraud, which releases May 17, 2016 (available for pre-order now). Follow him on Twitter @ddayen. A couple of weeks ago, the Government Accountability Office saved the country’s […]
Read more...Yves here. Readers know I have a weakness for righteous rants…
Read more...A deep dive into some new information about the student loan defaults and the impact of borrowing on borrowers. Short version: not pretty.
Read more...A sorry chapter of Hillary Clinton’s legislative record was her vote in support of the 2005 bankruptcy “reform” bill.
Read more...The above tweet is real and is from Hillary Clinton’s official twitter account. It is very difficult to express how appalling this sentiment is. It represents much of what’s wrong with American politics in our current moment.
Read more...Elizabeth Warren confronts a more-pathological-than-usual industry shill in the form of a college accreditor. He denies that there was ever a problem with Corinthian or his organization’s processes.
Read more...Colleges wear the cloak of liberalism, but in policy and practice, they often embody a corrupt and cutthroat system of power and exploitation
Read more...Elizabeth Warren calls for a full bore attack on out of control college education costs.
Read more...A group of 400 NYU faculty members documents how the school fleeces students to pay for gold-plated administrator pay and perks.