Category Archives: Summer rerun

Summer Rerun: Ban “No One Could Have Foreseen the Crisis”

This post first appeared on April 10, 2008 Floyd Norris of the New York Times, in an otherwise fine piece, “It’s a Crisis, And Ideas Are Scarce” has a paragraph that set my teeth on edge. But let’s deal with the parts that have merit first, and hold the rant in abeyance. Norris uses the […]


Summer Rerun: Bear/JP Morgan: The Rashomon Defense

This post first appeared on April 8, 2008 While there have been dark mutterings about how Bear shareholders were cheated in the sale of the firm to JP Morgan, I don’t have much sympathy for that view. Plenty of businesses fail every day; equity investors usually lose their entire stake and employees are fired. While […]


Summer Rerun: Why the Happy Talk About the Credit Crisis?

This post first appeared on April 17, 2008 I am frequently mystified at what goes on in the markets. I am even more mystified when people who ought to know better make pronouncements that appear to be profoundly counter-factual. Even if they are talking their own book, the high odds of being revealed as bald-faced […]


Summer Rerun: Japan Says US Financial Crisis Worse Than Its Bust, Urges Government to Recapitalize Banks

This post first appeared on March 24, 2008 The comments in the Financial Times by Yoshimi Watanabe, Japan’s financial services minister, are extraordinary. He ventured to give the US advice on its credit crunch based on Japan’s experience during its post-bubble-years banking crisis. And it’s not pretty. Why are these remarks so unusual? Consider: Most […]


Summer Rerun: Self-Inflicted Wounds and Mutual Assured Destruction

This post first appeared on March 11, 2008 Oooh, the week has barely started and we’ve already had an overdose of adrenaline-generating news. Thornburg Mortgage and Carlyle Capital, both twisting in the wind, battered by margin calls, look unlikely to escape bankruptcy (Thornburg has already defaulted on financing agreements; Carlyle is seeking a standstill). Freddie […]


Summer Rerun: Treasury Doth Speak With Forked Tongue (Housing Bailout Edition)

This post first appeared on February 22, 2008 Man, not only does the Administration tell whoppers, but it is completely shameless about them. The latest sighting comes from Reuters: Treasury Undersecretary Robert Steel told the Reuters Housing Summit it is proper for homeownership to hold a special status…. “If I default on my credit card […]


Summer Rerun: Rating Agencies Created Incentives to Issue Paper More Profitable for Them to Rate

This post first appeared on November 16, 2007 A colleague was so kind as to send me the text of a speech given at the Graham & Dodd breakfast a few weeks ago by David Einhorn, CEO of hedge fund Greenlight Capital. The speech has gotten play only in some personal-investment-oriented blogs like Seeking Alpha […]


Summer Rerun: CDOs: The Ticking Time Bomb

This post first appeared on November 10, 2007 The equity markets seem to have finally realized that conditions are ugly in the credit markets, due to get uglier, and the mess will pull down the real economy. And the bad news continues. The dollar index fell to a new low. Wachovia said the value of […]


Summer Rerun: On What the Fed Hath Wrought (So Far)

This post first appeared on August 21, 2007 A gut-wrenching two weeks in the credit markets have been capped by unprecedented moves by central bankers. The ECB’s offer of an unlimited infusion to member banks the week before last was followed last Friday’ by the Fed’s discount rate cut, which included stern warnings that those […]


Summer Rerun: Has the Credit Contraction Finally Begun?

This post first appeared on July 11, 2007 Readers of this blog know that I have been concerned about the state of the credit markets for some time. We’ve had (until the last month or so), rampant liquidity feeding asset bubbles in virtually every asset class except the dollar and the yen, tight risk spreads […]


Summer Rerun: “Carry trade threatens a deflationary global collapse”

This post appeared originally on July 27, 2007 Warning: this post is only for those with sound constitutions. Tim Lee, head of a financial economics consultancy, tells us in a Financial Times article what a carry trade unwind will look like (answer: very nasty) and what it would take to prevent it (the Japanese have […]


Summer Rerun: Debunking the Notion that Unions Hurt Productivity

This post first appeared on June 23, 2007 A neat little analysis by Ross Eisenbrey at the Economic Policy Institute may be difficult for union foes to explain away. It shows the proportion of workers covered by collective bargaining agreements in major European countries and the US and then shows productivity growth country by country […]


Summer Rerun: Is Thinking Going Out of Fashion?

This post first appeared on May 11, 2007 I am beginning to suspect that many are reacting to the overstimulation of the modern world – the accelerating pace of change, data overload, time pressure, work and relationship instability – by turning off their brains. The rise of fundamentalism and the “family values” push, both efforts […]


Summer Rerun: Dani Rodrik Looks at the Free Trade Math and Finds Some of It Wanting

This post first appeared on May 8, 2007 The debate among Serious Economists about the benefits of free trade continues, and Dani Rodrik continues to take a dispassionate look at the data and the models. This post, although a bit geeky, is intriguing because Rodrik dissects an analysis cited by Bernanke in a recent speech, […]


Summer Rerun: America: Banana Republic Watch

This post first appeared on May 6, 2007 I’m certain you’re familiar with the expression “death wish.” I am beginning to wonder whether America has a banana republic wish. The country has been taking steps towards being a small-minded, elite-dominated, sham democracy. Mind you, I am pointing to a tendency, not an established fact. The […]