To Stop Threat of ‘For-Profit Surveillance,’ Rights Groups Demand End to Partnerships That Give Cops Access to Amazon Ring Data
Civil rights groups demand that Amazon Ring’s spy program be put behind bars.
Read more...Civil rights groups demand that Amazon Ring’s spy program be put behind bars.
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Read more...The US will now require applicants for visas to share social media details, thus formalizing an existing policy of government monitoring of such traffic.
Read more...The US has added new charges againat Julian Assange that represent a threat to journalists.
Read more...Reader Petter S sent along a recent article The Myth of Convenience, by L.M. Sacasas, Director of the Center for the Study of Ethics and Technology. The piece covers a lot of ground in a relatively short space, so I encourage you to read it in full, along with his earlier post, Privacy Is Not […]
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