Meltdown and Spectre FAQ: Crapification at Scale
Billions, nay trillions, of processors. What, if anything, to do?
Read more...Billions, nay trillions, of processors. What, if anything, to do?
Read more...Ironically, banks in Mexico lead the way.
Read more...Users are spurning Microsoft’s Edge in favor of Google, in the privacy version of a beauty contest between Cinderalla’s ugly sisters.
Read more...The definition of cash widens.
Read more...Naked Capitalism is now in very good company in warning you to stay far far away from the Echo and its cousins.
Read more...A security meltdown confirms that Apple is running on brand fumes.
Read more...India’s Aadhaar universal identification number scheme, including biometrics, is no viable model for replacing Social Security numbers.
Read more...How tech titans are using the WTO and trade agreements to further strengthen their dominant positions.
Read more...New York state court judge joins nationwide trend in concluding that use of StingRay surveillance device requires warrant.
Read more...Why Amazon’s Echo, Google’s Home, and other “home assistants” are a threat to your privacy.
Read more...American society is embracing its inner empire. Eventually, its long reach may come for us all.
Read more...Facebook tells Big Lies about its users. Why aren’t advertisers making a Big Stink?
Read more...Beware! Retailers are trying to implement smart phone snooping to allow for better price gouging.
Read more...Surrendering biometric information and fancy technology provide no panacea for the problems revealed by the Equifax hack.
Read more...The Spanish government’s crackdown in Catalonia has shown that everyone needs tools to guarantee their fundamental rights online.