Category Archives: Surveillance state

Quelle Surprise: NYT Article on U.S. Contact Tracing Deficiencies Doesn’t Fall for Big Tech’s Claim that Effective Contact Tracing Requires an App, But Fails to See What Good Health Care Has to Do with It

NYT piece on contact tracing doesn’t see what good health care has to do with why some of these efforts elsewhere have worked well.


COVID-19 Mistakes to Avoid: Don’t Conflate Contact Tracing with Contact Tracing By App

Big Tech and Big Pharma each has a dog in the COVID-19 fight and wish to replace what has worked before and is working now with technofixes.


No, We Don’t Need to Place Our Faith in Downloading Some Untested, Privacy-Infringing App as the Only Possible COVID-19 Slayer; Why Don’t We Look to Places that Have Successfully Limited Disease Spread and Copy Their Policies?

Ars Technica clutches pearls at poll showing decline in those willing to download privacy-infringing app to stymie spread of COVID-19.