Rights Advocates Alarmed by US Spy Agency’s Purchase of Warrantless Phone Location Data
Defense Intelligence Agency skirts constitutional warrant requirements by buying location data from data brokers.
Read more...Defense Intelligence Agency skirts constitutional warrant requirements by buying location data from data brokers.
Read more...Physical cash should still have an important — albeit diminished — role to play in the economy of the future.
Read more...No, Section 230 is not about Facebook. It protects you from liabilty if you forward an e-mail, so you should think twice about a repeal.
Read more...Col. Lawrence Wilkerson says so far the anti-Russia hysteria about an alleged hack looks like the phony claims about WMD in Iraq.
Read more...Regulators and officials are dusting off antitrust rule books to go after tech monopolists.
Read more...A shaggy dog story, and a request for reader ideas on how to escape unreasonable requests for personal information.
Read more...Ticketmaster wants to use technology to make events safer. Too bad its ideas are intrusive and medically questionable.
Read more...A proposed New York City bill would halt DNA collection from children in the absence of an arrest or parental consent.
Read more...Daniel Ellsberg, in an interview with Paul Jay, describes the threat the Assange show trial poses for journalists around the world.
Read more...Abolitionist Lewis Tappan, the inventor of credit bureaus, would be distressed to see how his creation is being put to use.
Read more...Why it is not crazy to worry about Silicon Valley.
Read more...NYT piece on contact tracing doesn’t see what good health care has to do with why some of these efforts elsewhere have worked well.
Read more...Big Tech and Big Pharma each has a dog in the COVID-19 fight and wish to replace what has worked before and is working now with technofixes.
Read more...A sordid example of what happens when the CIA is willing to get in bed with just about anyone to advance what it sees as US interests.
Read more...Ars Technica clutches pearls at poll showing decline in those willing to download privacy-infringing app to stymie spread of COVID-19.