France’s Macron Makes Concessions While ‘Yellow Vest’ Protests Continue
Some background on the demands the gilets jaunes are presenting to French president Macron.
Read more...Some background on the demands the gilets jaunes are presenting to French president Macron.
Read more...Inheritance tax cuts cost non-currency-issuing governments more than just the lost inheritance tax revenues.
Read more...An overview of the gilets jaunes movement.
Read more...Financial crime is a feature of our global financial system not a bug, pioneering economist Susan Strange recognized.
Read more...Nancy Pelosi proposes a tax rule that would shackle Democrats by requiring a supermajority to raise taxes on the bottom 80% of the population, thus effectively stymieing their ability to enact any major new spending programs.
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Read more...A very readable — or listenable — introduction to MMT, in plain language
Read more...Clearing up a widespread misperception about tax.
Read more...How Britain’s system of offshore finance and tax havens developed and preserved the UK’s role as the largest player in international finance.
Read more...The UK focuses on the tax gap, how much tax it ought to be collecting versus what it gets. Why isn’t this a concern in the US?
Read more...In the Tax Justice Network’s July 2018 Taxcast, Vickie Cann and John Christensen examine a proposal for a firewall to protect EU citizens from the Big Four accountancy firms and the tax avoidance lobby, as well as look at a new report from the Corporate Europe Observatory.
Read more...Profit shifting is a key driver of the decline in global average statutory corporate tax rate, which has fallen by more than half
Read more...No matter what the scandal is, when it comes to financial secrecy and tax dodging, the so-called big four accountancy firms are key players. The latest June 2018 Taxcast discusses how accountants broke capitalism.
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