How Ireland Became an Offshore Financial Center
Offshore financial centres are a political and economic phenomenon that goes far beyond secrecy, and Ireland makes a remarkable case study.
Read more...Offshore financial centres are a political and economic phenomenon that goes far beyond secrecy, and Ireland makes a remarkable case study.
Read more...Please provide your comment on regulatory guidance, um, crackdown, proposed by the IRS on a private equity tax abuse, management fee waivers.
Read more...Tax is a major way to create incentives. Thus the debate about whether corporations should pay more taxes is not naive as the plutocrats would have you believe.
Read more...An internationally recognized tax expert told me a few months ago that the widely-mislabeled “carried interest” loophole was on its deathbed. A new PBS video lends some support to this bold call.
Read more...Socialism for the rich is inherently hypocritical….but which forms of corporate truth-distortion are the most brazen?
Read more...UC Berkeley professor Gabriel Zucman is doing pathbreaking work on tax havens. HIs estimates of how much the rich hide in them are eye-popping.
Read more...Supposedly ‘competitive’ policies on tax favor multinational firms over smaller, locally-based ones and also reduce market competition.
Read more...One big private equity tax abuse, management fee waivers, is on its way out. Will others follow?
Read more...Nicholas Shaxson explains how a “Competitiveness Agenda” is being used to set industrial policies that favor the creation of what used to be called “national champions,” as in Really Big Companies. Never mind that neoliberals officially oppose anything so interventionist as industrial policy….
Read more...Debunking the uniformed and regularly hysterical mainstream treatment of government debt and deficits.
Read more...Why you need to help CalPERS kick its bad private equity habits.
Read more...In the last CalPERS Investment Committee meeting, one of the most revealing incidents took place when Investment Director Christine Gogan repeatedly refused to answer a simple, direct question about a widely-used private equity tax abuse, management fee waivers.
Read more...Examining an excellent in-depth investigation by Reuters into global financial stability issues, and the role of tax havens in this giant game of pain and plunder.
Read more...This Vice News segment makes the normally dry and daunting subject of taxes (really tax policy) accessible and entertaining. Plus it features Lee Sheppard.
Read more...The Republican candidates for President all made shameless appeals for even more plutocracy, in particular preferential treatment for the rich.