Harris Can’t Embrace Billionaires if She Wants to Win
But has she already embraced them?
Read more...But has she already embraced them?
Read more...In her DNC speech, Kamala Harris embraced Republican language on the economy. So how deep does her purported progressivism run?
Read more...The Heritage Project 2025 plan is a program for the next president to roll back rights in US and abroad – including draft policies
Read more...A discussion of how the rich got to be that way and why their justifications for their advantaged status don’t stand up to much scrutiny.
Read more...“It’s time to tax the billionaires,” economist Gabriel Zucman argues in a new analysis.
Read more...Why a wealth tax is not all it is cracked up to be, but a well-designed income tax can do a fine job of curtailing wealth disparity.
Read more...How blockchain/crypto tax havens are displacing traditional tax havens.
Read more...More evidence, as if you needed it, that corporate executives are very skilled at feathering their nests.
Read more...Watching Davos is enough to make many buy pitchfork futures or push for a wealth tax. But there are better ways to skin fat cats.
Read more...Eric Laursen, author of The People’s Pension, explains the campaign of sneak attacks and misinformation against Social Security.
Read more...Yes, Virginia, ultra-processed food is a health hazard. But what to do?
Read more...The green energy transition, which truth be told has not gotten very far, is already hitting a wall.
Read more...Ukraine’s local authorities are undes serious budget stress despite government assurances of support
Read more...Tax breaks to the rich mean less revenue, higher deficits, and more calls to gut programs like Social Security that protect ordinary citizens
Read more...After long resistance by rich nations, African governments successfully pushed for the UN to lead on international tax cooperation.