Category Archives: Taxes

“Does US need a second stimulus to create jobs?”

Reader Doug Smith was not happy with an article in the Christian Science Monitor yesterday, titled, “Does US need a second stimulus to create jobs? His remarks: Could you, Edward or someone consider reading this article and responding to it? My sense is that it perfectly captures ‘conventional wisdom’ and, in that sense, is a […]


Guest Post: One Reason that the Stock Market is Rising While Unemployment is Soaring

By George Washington of Washington’s Blog . Daniel Gross points out that part of the reason that the American stock markets are going up even though unemployment is rising and the real economy suffering is because multinational corporations headquartered in the U.S. are experiencing strong sales abroad: Here’s a puzzle: The stock markets are doing […]


Guest Post: California’s IOUs Offer a Way Out of Its Fiscal Crisis

Submitted by Marshall Auerback, an investment manager who also writes at New Deal 2.0: Republicans and Democrats alike embraced legislation last week that would make California IOUs acceptable payment for all taxes, fees and other payments owed to the state – an action that effectively would mean that California is entering the currency business. Some […]


Mirabile Dictu! WSJ Points Out the Rich Getting Richer is Bad for Social Security

Is the leopard changing its spots? First we have the Wall Street Journal, of all places, lambasting Goldman, while incredibly, the Washington Post springs to its defense. If that isn’t bizarre enough, today we have the Wall Street Journal, which along with just about every mainstream media outlet, likes to inveigh about coming Social Security […]


Martin Wolf on the Need to Rein in Finance

I always enjoy reading the Financial Times’ editor, Martin Wolf, but I sometime forget how refreshing and pointed he can be when he decides to let loose at a deserving target. Today’s lesson is the almost ludicrous efforts of the financial services industry to explain why the debacle that they just foisted on all of […]


The Bad Bank Assets Proposal: Even Worse Than You Imagined

Dear God, let’s just kiss the US economy goodbye. It may take a few years before the loyalists and permabulls throw in the towel, but the handwriting is on the wall. The Obama Administration, if the Washington Post’s latest report is accurate, is about to embark on a hugely expensive “save the banking industry at […]


"An Open Letter to the Western Banking Establishment"

Reader Tim C pointed us to a post on Tim Price’s blog, “The Price of Everything,” which provides astute financial and sometimes social commentary. Below is an excerpt: Dear Western banking establishment, I notice that your unauthorised credit facility from international lenders of last resort now totals approximately $10 trillion. As a taxpayer and therefore […]


Your Tax Dollars at Work: Citi Buys New Corporate Jet (Updated: Defends Purchase)

Even if there were a rationale for Citi buying a corporate jet now (which I cannot fathom, given their horrid financial condiiton), why buy new? There are no doubt plenty of used jets for sale right now. This incident illustrates the degree to which a corporate/financial elite has developed in the US. Top executives feel […]


Quelle Surprise! Summers Says Banking Industry May Need More Dough

The Administration has evidently launched a campaign to warn the American public that the black hole banking industry will need more in the way of recapitalization funding than is currently on offer. Mind you, we are NOT opposed to this sort of thing were it done correctly: tough minded banking industry reforms, seizure of the […]


CBO: Seeing Stars? ($1.2 Trillion Deficit Edition)

Willem Buiter is being proven right even sooner than he probably expected. The CBO provided a simply atrocious (but I imagine not surprising if you are up on such matters) report that the Federal budget deficit will come in just shy of $1.2 trillion, and that before any stimulus related deficits are added in, which […]