Carbon Tax Over-Rated
A carbon tax is an idea that has been around yet never deployed despite potential benefits because reasons, such as hurting the poor.
Read more...A carbon tax is an idea that has been around yet never deployed despite potential benefits because reasons, such as hurting the poor.
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Read more...Bad ideology, kept alive by lobbying and PR, has fueled an unproductive corporte tax race to the bottom. Is the tide finally turning?
Read more...Comprehensive NYT story examines how the private equity industry games the tax system, while the hapless IRS stands on the sidelines.
Read more...One critic of the agreement said that “by settling for anything less than a 25% tax rate, the G7 is telling their citizens and the world that they’re willing to keep the race to the bottom alive and kicking.”
Read more...Unfortunately, central Biden Administration climate change policies, like carbon taxes/pricing, fall well short of the level of action needed
Read more...UK tax scamming goes mass, abusing the contact and trace program to the tune of hundreds of millions of pounds.
Read more...The end of the carried interest loophole has been long in coming. Will the sell-by date finally arrive?
Read more...“Caring economy” sounds awfully soft and fuzzy. However, it may finally be time to reject utlitarian views of how we organize our resources.