Category Archives: The destruction of the middle class

“Many Areas of Appalachia and Mississippi Delta Have Lower Life Expectancy Than Bangladesh”

Four Nobel Prize winners agree that rent-seeking is the biggest driver of rising inequality.


Lessons From the Demise of the TPP

Yves here. This post makes a point at the end in passing about the value of multilateralism, even though the TPP was otherwise a very bad scheme on multiple levels. This serves as a reminder to mention something I’ve neglected to say. Trump’s plan to enter into bi-lateral trade deals (after supposedly tearing up extant […]


Yet Another Glaring Flaw With Trump Infrastructure Plan: Dependence on Vagaries of Tiny, Slow-Moving Tax Equity Market

The oh-so-clever Trump plan to use tax credits to fund infrastructure spending means it will be too small and slow to provide any real boost.


Can Uber Ever Deliver? Part Six: Latest Data Confirms Bleak P&L Performance While Stephen Levitt Makes Indefensible Consumer Welfare Claims

More on Uber’s questionable prospects and the dubious defenses offered by boosters, in this case, “Freakonomics” professor Stephen Levitt.