Category Archives: The destruction of the middle class

Fed Ponders How Quickly to Try to Inflict More Pain on the Economy to Get Inflation to 2%

Debates inside and outside the Fed as to what it should do next about inflation pick up as its annual Jackson Hole conference approaches.


Stigler Center/ProMarket Hypocrisy: Published, Then Removed Post That Justified Anti-Trust; Bogus Excuses Demonstrate University of Chicago Failed Econowashing of Hard Core Neoclassical Stance

ProMarket and the Consumer Welfare Standard: Output increase is not sufficient to increase welfare. Allocation, aka distribution, matters.


How Javier Milei Upset Argentina’s Political Status Quo

Yves here. We’re featuring a post from openDemocracy on Argentina’s primary results that had far-right candidate Javier Milei beating the candidates of the two parties that have been in power for two decades. The post is telling, and not in a good way. Milei does advocate extreme views (not that he can go as far […]


Angus Deaton on How Neoliberal Ideology Produced Abject US Falling Life Expectancy for Less Educated

Angus Deaton returns to his deaths of despair theme, with updated data and a pointed critique of the role of Chicago School libertarians.


More on the Collapse of Operational Capabilities in the West: How Did We Get Here

Some thoughts on the rapid decline in operational capabilities, or why tons of people, particularly those in charge, are no good at their jobs


Energy Destinies – Part 8: Pathways

Satyajit Das concludes his series on the future of energy by looking at curbing demand, aka radical conseration.