Category Archives: The destruction of the middle class

Now It’s Official: Politicians Favor the Wealthy

Mind you, the headline above doesn’t mean that politicians curry favor of wealthy donors, but wealthy people in general. Mark Thoma provides this tidbit from Ezra Klein at the LA Times who in turn cites the abstract of a paper by Larry Bartels, Economic Inequality and Political Representation: I examine the differential responsiveness of U.S. […]


More on Brookstreet Meltdown: Chumps in Florida

As we noted earlier, a minor casualty in Bear-Stearns-hedge-fund-meltdown-induced repricing of CMOs was a mid-sized, independent-contractor broker-dealer Brookstreet Securities, which blew a hole in its balance sheet when its clearing firm repriced the assets in many of its margin accounts and issued margin calls. Tanta at Calculated Risk found out (via the OC Register) why […]


Private Equity: Labor Throws Down the Gauntlet

In a firm, articulate op-ed piece in the Financial Times, “Protect workers from the private equiteers,” Jack Dromey, an officer of the trade union Unite, says, “Workers deserve better in private equity deals.” I’ve gotten so used to writers that are afraid to take on the orthodoxy of free markets that it’s refreshing to see […]


New York Times on Shrinking Homeowners’ Equity

Louis Uchitelle, in “A False Sense of Security? You Must Own a Home,” revisits the subject of Americans’ propensity to break into the piggybank of the accumulated equity in their home. In a concerned, rather than alarmist article, he points out that the amount of net homeowners’ equity has fallen, even in a time (until […]


Wage Increases in India Make Offshoring Unattractive

A bit of good news for the beleaguered American white collar worker: wages have gone up so much in India that “offshoring,” or moving functions overseas, looks like a losing proposition when all costs are factored in. From “Bangalore wages spur ‘reverse offshoring’” in the Financial Times: The rising cost of paying engineers in Bangalore […]


Towers Perrins Stonewalling Congress on CEO Pay Inquiry

In Saturday’s New York Times, Gretchen Morgenson reported that House Committee on Oversight and Reform had issued a subpoena to Towers Perrin, an executive compensation consulting firm, because it had failed to comply with an information request regarding potential conflicts of interest in its pay consulting business. Now because this was a news story, rather […]


Bankruptcy Filings Surge in First Quarter

You might reasonably ask why we are discussing first quarter bankruptcy filings now that the second quarter has just started. It’s because the Administrative Office of the US Courts takes its sweet, and increasingly long, time in publishing the data. And it’s a doozy. The story didn’t get much play because the AO’s quarterly report […]


Yet More Evidence That the Super Rich Are Getting Richer

An article in the Financial Times, “High risks see super-rich pull away,” reports on a Merrill Lynch/Cap Gemini study that concludes that the super rich ($30 million or more in investable assets) are getting richer even faster than the merely rich ($1-$5 million). The world’s 100,000 “super-rich” last year extended their lead over the merely […]


Larry Summers on Income Inequality

Larry Summers has a remarkable piece in the Financial Times today, “Harness market forces to share prosperity.” It’s noteworthy not so much for the information, arguments, and recommendations Summers makes regarding rising income inequality, but for the line Summers takes. After so many years in the wilderness, it appears that liberals are finally regaining their […]


Debunking the Notion That Unions Hurt Productivity

A neat little analysis by Ross Eisenbrey at the Economic Policy Institute may be difficult for union foes to explain away. It shows the proportion of workers covered by collective bargaining agreements in major European countries and the US and then shows productivity growth country by country in the same group 1979-2005. Despite being the […]


"Income Inequality, Writ Larger"

In a New York Times article, Daniel Gross sympathetically discusses a paper by MIT economists Peter Temin and Frank Levy on the role of institutional behavior and social attitudes in income inequality. As a preface to his comments about their work, he sets forth some of the conventional arguments for the inevitability of inequality, namely, […]


Indian Outsourcer Beefing Up in Mexico for Cost Reasons

Bloomberg tells us, “India’s Tata Consultancy Plans to Hire 5,000 Workers in Mexico.” The rise of the rupee is making India less attractive for outsourcing. This development begs a couple of questions. First, will US companies have to go through disruption and risk as they chase cheaper labor to various countries as currency relationships change? […]


Minimum Wage Increase Being Gutted

As Paul Sonn of NYU Law School writes in “The Fight for the Minimum Wage” in the American Prospect, various state legislatures, responding to pressure by industries that employ low-wage workers, are exempting various groups such as “tipped” restaurants workers and home health aides from the new federal minimum wage requirements by exploiting ambiguities in […]


Even the National Journal Can’t Abide the Wall Street Journal’s Editorial Page

When a stalwart member of the right disassociates itself from the Wall Street Journal’s editorial policies, you know things are bad. Thanks to Brad DeLong for this item. From the National Review’s blog, The Corner: ….the Wall Street Journal editorial conference…. I was… well, no, not foaming at the mouth, but gaping in wonder at […]


Real Wages Falling Despite Productivity Gains

One of the elements of the American Dream is that each generation will enjoy a better standard of living than its predecessors. As this article, “Not Your Father’s Pay: Why Wages Today Are Weaker” in the Wall Street Journal makes clear, that is no longer true: American men in their 30s today are worse off […]