Category Archives: The destruction of the middle class

Wall Street Journal Editorial Mischaracterizes AMT Woes

We’ve noted before that the Journal’s editorial pages are not the place to go if you want reality-based commentary. This piece, “Wall Street Journal AMT Editorial,” from Linda Beale on ataxingmanner (which came to our attention via Mark Thoma’s Economist’s View) dissects a recent WSJ editorial on the alternative minimum tax, or AMT. For readers […]


Does Globalization Cause Income Inequality?

Yesterday, in TCS Daily, Tim Worstall argued that income inequality (if it exists, he wasn’t quite willing to concede that) should in fact be caused by globalization. (Note that this post was featured on Harvard economics professor Greg Mankiw’s blog, which is where we came across it). It goes on to say, “Further, I’ll argue […]


Negative Consumer Saving in 2005 and 2006

This excellent post in Barry Ritzholtz’s The Big Picture was prompted in part by Alan Abelson’s article, “Spendthrift Nation,” in today’s Barron’s. The key point is that consumers spent more than they made for two years running, 2005 and 2006. The last time this happened was in the depths of the Depression. Yesterday, DF asked […]


Macroeconomic Volatility Versus Volatility of Incomes

A bit of a mouthful, but the very important point of this Congressional Budget Office report, which was summarized in Congressional testimony and reported in Mark Thoma’s Economist’s View, is that while the growth rate of the economy has become steadier, the volatility of individual incomes has increased considerably. This income instability is another element […]


NY Fed Speech on Asset Prices and Income Disparity Under (and Mis) Reported in the US

OK, so it was only a speech by the president of the New York Fed, Tim Geithner, to the Council on Foreign Relations. But the disparity in reporting between the Financial Times, both in placement and content, and the Wall Street Journal (and to some degree Bloomberg) is striking. Not surprisingly, the WSJ downplayed the […]