Category Archives: The destruction of the middle class

Federal Threats Against Local Officials Who Don’t Cooperate with Immigration Orders Could Be Unconstitutional − Justice Antonin Scalia Ruled Against Similar Plans

Trump’s aggressive anti-immigration push is on a collision course with states’ rights to control policing. Which might prevail/


How Much Will Trump’s Bark Exceed His Bite? Doubts About Whether Disruptive Federal Hiring and Spending Pauses Will Produce Lasting Changes

Trump is adept at using his willingness to be wildly inconsistent to destabilize opponents. But he is unduly fond of using blunt instruments like tariffs that he can impose unilaterally, with insufficient consideration of whether they will work all that well, let alone what bad unintended effects they might generate. What Trump has done so […]


The Next Unwind of Social Guarantees: Home and Medical Insurance

A Wall Street Journal column suggests that elite conventional wisdom favors more gutting of medical and home insurance as unduly “socialized”