Category Archives: The destruction of the middle class

Elizabeth Warren’s Not-Ready-for-Prime-Time Robinhood/GameStop Intervention

Elizabeth Warren is back in swinging hard, but she’s not yet connecting with the balls.


“They Left Us Starving”: How the Fashion Industry Abandoned Its Workers

Yves here. Many associate sweatshops in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh with “fast fashion,” aka the close-to-disposable frocks made by the likes of H&M. As this article explains, the use of ultra-cheap labor extends much further up the fashion food food chain. And these poorly-paid workers get thrown to the curb when orders fall off. By […]


A Hard Look at Rent and Rent Seeking with Michael Hudson & Pepe Escobar

An in-depth discussion of financial capitalism versus earlier models and the Chinese and Russian approach, with a focus on the role of rent.


Polarization, Then a Crash: Michael Hudson on the Rentier Economy

Michael Hudson discusses the chokehold of pro-finance, pro-rentier capitalism reaching into the present COVID-19 crisis.