Category Archives: The destruction of the middle class

Michael Hudson: How an “Act of God” Pandemic Is Destroying the West: The U.S. Is Saving the Financial Sector, Not the Economy

The coronavirus’ effect has been to help defeat the financial sector’s enemy, governments strong enough to regulate it.


More Giveaways to Capitalist Finance? It’s High Time To Change the Objective

Jan Kregel explains the fundamental problem with the economic system is its focus on providing finance to investors.


Tom Ferguson: Biden Blurring Almost Everything

Political scientist Tom Ferguson juxtaposes the factions around Biden with how Roosevelt eventually stared down banks and corporatists in the second phase of the New Deal


‘Threadbare’ US System Denounced as Study Shows 12 Million Lost Employer-Tied Health Care During Pandemic

New data on how many lost their health insurance, which often means health care, due to Covid. And the numbers are not getting better soon.


Fed Economists Finger Monopoly Concentration as Underlying Driver of Neoliberal Economic Restructuring; Barry Lynn in Harpers and Fortnite Lawsuit Put Hot Light on Tech Monopoly Power

Some good work on monopoly is marred by the bizarre inclusion of Uber. Its predatory pricing is the result of deep pockets and ideology, not potential market power.