Category Archives: The destruction of the middle class

Why Democratic Presidential Candidates May Have to Choose Between Teacher Pay Raises and Charter Schools

Florida becomes a charter school battleground as communities fight a state law that diverts some of the proceeds from bond offererings, even ones approved for public school teacher salaries, to charter schools.


Public-Private Partnerships Fad Fails

After the failure and abuses of privatization became apparent, public-private partnerships have since been promoted to mobilize private finance for the public purpose. PPPs have socialized costs and losses while ensuring private financial gains.


Bill Black: Ocasio-Cortez & Sanders Introduce Bill to Cap Credit Card Interest Rates at 15%

Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders introduce legislation: they call it Loan Shark Prevention, which would allow post offices to act as banks and cap interest rates at 15%, but credit card companies claim it would hurt the poor.


The Lost Ones: The Opportunities and Outcomes of White, Non-College-Educated Americans Born In The 1960s

This column shows that white, less-educated Americans born in the 1960s are worse off than the generation born 20 years previously, based on wage changes, increased medical costs, and shorter life expectancy. This disparity could be worth as much as $132,000.


Why You Should Back the Sanders/AOC Plan to Cap Credit Card Interest Rates at 15%, Re-Launch the Postal Savings Bank

A new bill by Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seeks to limit credit abuses and make banking more accessible.


Student Loan Forgiveness Program Offers False Hope, Rejects 99% of Applications

The infamous HAMP program, which the Administration revised so many times on the fly as to give incompetent and mendacious mortgage servicers air cover for failing to modify mortgages, at least had a stealth purpose. As Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said to the SIGTARP’s Neil Barofsky, it was to foam the runway for banks by […]