Category Archives: The destruction of the middle class

Naked Capitalism Readers Issue Scam Alert For Amazon’s “Become Our Freight Shipper” Scheme

Amazon isn’t satisfied with creating modern day sweatshops via its warehouses. It wants to suck the capital and labor of the not-so-savvy entrepreneur wannabes into its maw.


Some Public Pension Funds Give KKR a Wet Noodle Lashing Over Toys ‘R’ Us Collapse

Not surprisingly, action in the wake of private equity investors Bain, KKR and Vornado stiffing Toys ‘R’ Us workers of their severance have generated more press than restitution. But some of the ideas bruited about would have real teeth.


Why Italy’s Crisis Is the Left’s Crisis

Why framing the political struggle in Italy as mainstream versus populist shifts focus away from the most important issue, Eurozone reform, where the battle is mercantilists versus Keynesians.