Classicalism and Revolution
Musing about classicism and revolution in economics and the arts.
Read more...Musing about classicism and revolution in economics and the arts.
Read more...Fed-type models say US inflation will hang around. So the central bank will try to Do Something when it really can’t do much.
Read more...The boundaries between politics and commerce aren’t as clear in Japan and China as in the West, and we may not be better off for that.
Read more...Finance, which some see as uniquely positioned to save the planet, has already bankrolled 1.5֯ C of warming.
Read more...Loss aversion, which allegedly explains decision-making — from investor behavior to insurance markets — isn’t ironclad, experts argue.
Read more...Michael Hudson gives a wide-ranging talk, including American policy in the post-war era, how economics ignores debt, and class warfare.
Read more...Some non-mainstream experts discuss inflation: what is driving it, how long it might persist, and what if anything the officialdom can do.
Read more...Economics does not have to be the dismal science.
Read more...Cheerleading about the much improved jobs picture overlooks how many workers have gone missing.
Read more...Corporate debt levels are up due to Covid. Some will businesses will not make it. Restructuring sooner is better for everyone than later.
Read more...Consumers are getting so rattled that they have set off recession warning lights.
Read more...How the post-USSR neoliberal land grab played out in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Needless to say, not pretty.
Read more...Not only has the not-really-a-Nobel-prize in economic regularly promoted neoliberal ideology, but even when it doesn’t, the press messes up.
Read more...Michael Hudson’s Super Imperialism strikes again!
Read more...A perspective from the Global South on the end game for growth.