Politicians on Corporate Boards and the Cost of Public Procurement
Ties between political parties and boards of government contractors lead to overpriced contracts without any corresponding gains in quality for citizens and consumers.
Read more...Ties between political parties and boards of government contractors lead to overpriced contracts without any corresponding gains in quality for citizens and consumers.
Read more...New institutional economics won another “Nobel prize”, claiming that good institutions and governance ensure growth, equity & democracy.
Read more...The old normal is rigid and destructive to humans and the planet. Heterodox ideas offer some hope, but will they be sufficient?
Read more...How US fealty to neoliberalism undermined its economy. And why China’s choices are not likely to produce happy outcomes.
Read more...The Fed has little to do with the fall in inflation. Limited labor bargaining power and easing supply chain problems were more important.
Read more...A big reason Modern Monetary Theory elicits pushback is that it threatens power relations, specifically, the perceived primacy of financiers.
Read more...How the global economy is being restructured, in no small measure due to inept, self-destructive policy moves that undermine dollar use in trade.
Read more...Michael Hudson and Richard Wolff take apart widespread myths about Federal spending and debts.
Read more...Religion is a ubiquitous social phenomena that can spur or impair economic growth by affecting four elements of the macroeconomic production function – physical capital, human capital, population/labour, and total factor productivity.
Read more...Michael Hudson reprises a favorite theme of how the salutary practice of debt forgiveness came to an end under Greco-Roman oligarchs
Read more...Quelle surprise! Introducing robots into workplaces slows wage growth, particularly among factory labor.
Read more...Debunking yet another appealing-sounding but elite-serving idea, here the premise that savings is always good and more is better.
Read more...An effort to track culture changes over time via diversity of coiffure and attire….but the data has some not-acknowledged biases.
Read more...More evidence that the current level of advanced economy secondary market trading is bad for economic health.
Read more...Richard Murphy discusses a key, and not well understood, implication of repaying bank loans.