The Lords and Ladies of Discipline: An Interview with Matt Stoller
Matt Stoller explains how economics reinforces established power relations.
Read more...Matt Stoller explains how economics reinforces established power relations.
Read more...AI has not delivered expected productivity gains. Some thoughts as to why.
Read more...As long as we believe the neoclassical productivity farce, we will know nothing about what causes prices.
Read more...The IMF is backing a tax reform bill in Ecuador that will enable capital flight and further austerity.
Read more...Sweden throws in the towel on its negative interest rate policy as inflation stays stubbornly low.
Read more...Virginia Supreme Court allows Koch influence to remain undisclosed; the decision has yet to attract much media attention.
Read more...In her new book, Don’t Be Evil, Rana Foroohar explores how companies like Google and their tech brethren stampede over all of us.
Read more...Mariana Mazzucato takes apart conventional wisdom about how economic value is generated.
Read more...Debunking the pretense that the economics discipline is neutral or objective.
Read more...Why innovation isn’t necessarily a good thing.
Read more...A short take on John Week’s new book, The Debt Delusion, and why it matters.
Read more...Claims that a financial transaction tax would be difficult to implement and raise little revenue are fake news.
Read more...How economists have contributed to climate change inaction.
Read more...How the Fed’s fingerprints are all over the repo mess.
Read more...Neoliberal economics rests on a retrograde vision of society.