No Exit: Western Imperialism, Capitalism, and Industrialization
Is industrialization the original sin of both capitalist and Communist/socialist economic systems?
Read more...Is industrialization the original sin of both capitalist and Communist/socialist economic systems?
Read more...New EU fiscal rules, touted as creating and economic growth, actually embody a dangerous agenda to shred social safety nets.
Read more...Varoufakis weighs in on topics of keen interest: the looting of Greece, then and now, the European left, and Palestine.
Read more...When you’ve lost the IMF…..
Read more...Looking at the economic impact of war on neighboring countries, including ones not part of the theater of conflict.
Read more...Why growth is no panacea.
Read more...Efforts are underway to discredit modern monetary theory in the UK.
Read more...As confirmed by a study of Japanese interment in World War II, the health impact of displacement is long-lived.
Read more...Michael Hudson in a bracing talk, including history of crises, the role of debt, and how ancient Greek and Roman law promoted inequality
Read more...Some new wrinkles on who wins and loses in James Galbraith’s Predator State.
Read more...Why the Fed’s approach to inflation has the main effect of reducing labor bargaining power, which is seldom the real problem.
Read more...Some concrete proposals for how to slip the yoke of neoliberalism and start building a fairer and more functional economy.
Read more...Central bankers fret about inflation, but the far more destructive deflation may become a treat.
Read more...Why Lenin was right.
Read more...The CBO and CMS, keep overestimating health cost increase, and at least for the CBO, it’s due to neoliberal fealty.