Michael Hudson: Marxism, Economic Parasites, and Debt Cancellation
Michael Hudson in a bracing talk, including history of crises, the role of debt, and how ancient Greek and Roman law promoted inequality
Read more...Michael Hudson in a bracing talk, including history of crises, the role of debt, and how ancient Greek and Roman law promoted inequality
Read more...Some new wrinkles on who wins and loses in James Galbraith’s Predator State.
Read more...Why the Fed’s approach to inflation has the main effect of reducing labor bargaining power, which is seldom the real problem.
Read more...Some concrete proposals for how to slip the yoke of neoliberalism and start building a fairer and more functional economy.
Read more...Central bankers fret about inflation, but the far more destructive deflation may become a treat.
Read more...Why Lenin was right.
Read more...The CBO and CMS, keep overestimating health cost increase, and at least for the CBO, it’s due to neoliberal fealty.
Read more...A quick march through economic data and thinking about the Covid pandemic.
Read more...Russian industrial performance serves as a point of departure for Richard Wolff and Michael Hudson to discuss the shortcomings of capitalism.
Read more...Radhika Desai and Michael Husdon provide a data-driven discussion of the inflating and detonation of debt bombs during the neoliberal era.
Read more...How EU states are still trapped in their self-devised austerity hairshirt.
Read more...An attempt to correct the “blame the poors” approach to the reality and systemic risk posed by debt among lower-income borrowers.
Read more...Not enough bad can be said about neoclassical economics. The focus today is inflation policy.
Read more...A discussion of the need to replace the Great Divergence framework illustrates how economists often cling to outdated ideas.
Read more...Michael Hudson reprises favorite themes, particularly the role of rentiers and debt dynamics, with some new tidbits.