Fascism is the Western Answer to Class Struggle
Rob Urie makes a reasoned, data-backed case that the tools used in supposed democracies to enforce class standing merit the label of fascism
Read more...Rob Urie makes a reasoned, data-backed case that the tools used in supposed democracies to enforce class standing merit the label of fascism
Read more...MMT backer Richard Murphy and London finance organ City A.M. have surprisingly simliar views on the causes of inflation but differ on remedies
Read more...Sadly, some bank-serving fables are very durable, so James Galbraith has (yet another) go at them.
Read more...How much is the Supreme Court to blame for the red shift in policies?
Read more...Per the Times, inflation must be tackled, and the only way to do so is through lowering incomes and potentially jacking up unemployment.
Read more...The tough policy choices ahead for confronting the climate crisis.
Read more...n the not inconsiderable role of speculation in the crude oil market in the increase in the WTI crude oil price.
Read more...It’s now undeniable that corporate profits are playing a big role in our current inflation.
Read more...Is central bank inflatin medicine even worse than it seems?
Read more...More evidence that companies hiking prices because they can is a significant driver of our current inflation.
Read more...Companies turn to artificial intelligence as a possible solution for a mental health crisis.
Read more...In a new book, George DeMartino offers some novel and pointed criticisms of economics, focusing on societal damage.
Read more...Why market cheerleaders are bad for you.
Read more...Pontius Pilate asked, “What is truth?” Time to ask “What is science?” since our market system creates sciences that aren’t very scientific.
Read more...The sanctions against Russia and Russia’s kinetic war in Ukraine have produced great changes in and outside. But what are their implications?