Winning in Maui: TPP Ministerial Negotiations Fail, with No Date Set for the Next Round
Winning a battle in the long campaign against TPP: It was “domestic politics” that preserved our national sovereignty
Read more...Winning a battle in the long campaign against TPP: It was “domestic politics” that preserved our national sovereignty
Read more...Despite the Obama victory in the Senate yesterday on the TPP, the bill still has some remaining hurdles to surmount. Can it be beaten?
Read more...Fast Track authority, whose passage is tantamount to passing the TPP, the TTIP, and TISA, goes back to the Senate. Please call your Senators ASAP, particularly Patty Murray (D-WA), Michael Bennet (D-CO), and Ron Wyden (D-OR) .
Read more...An explanation of the votes on TAA and Fast Track last week, and the options open to the Administration for trying to reverse this defeat.
Read more...The idea that a loyal ally like Australia is even considering not signing the TPP is yet another sign that the deal is in trouble overseas as well as in the US.
Read more...The opposition has done vastly better than expected on stymieing Obama’s toxic trade deals. Thinking ahead to how to block them in the House, and if it gets that far, when the Fast Track fix goes to the Senate.
Read more...The sausage-making on the TPP has gotten messier…..
Read more...One of the common rhetorical tropes supporters of the Trans-Pacific Partnership have used to sell it is to declaim all prior trade agreements as inferior, relative to this bright, shiny and new deal. Ron Wyden, the Democrat in Congress most responsible for moving TPP through, gave a particularly juicy example of this yesterday.
Read more...How the Administration’s Fast Track authority would transfer more power to the President by limiting Congressional authority on “trade” bills.
Read more...TAA, a training program for workers displaced by TPP, would be funded by money diverted from Medicare. It doesn’t work, either.
Read more...Elizabeth Warren’s concerns about trade deals undermining financial regulations get an unexpected confirmation from Canada.
Read more...The real fight against Fast Track authorization will take place in the House. but the Senate sellouts should be made to feel the wrath of their constituents.
Read more...Democratic Senators delivered an embarrassing procedural defeat to Obama on Fast Track authority.
Read more...Why the investor state dispute settlement panels in the Trans-Pacific Partnership are a Trojan horse for enriching multinationals and gutting national sovereignity.
Read more...By David Dayen, a lapsed blogger. Follow him on Twitter @ddayen. Because of the blinkered way we talk about the economy in this country, news that the trade deficit widened in March well above consensus expectations will undoubtedly be met by cries that we must create more free trade deals to counteract that. Of course, […]