Brexit: May at Her Marks to Run a Gauntlet. Update: Cabinet Approves Draft Agreement
Brexit spectacle is about to kick into a higher gear.
Read more...Brexit spectacle is about to kick into a higher gear.
Read more...If May does not get her vaunted Brexit breakthrough this Wednesday, the UK will have to start passing “no deal” emergency legislation and laying out funds for preparation. Expect the dial to go to 11 if that happens.
Read more...More Brexit motion, but progress is likely a very different matter.
Read more...The UK’s surveillance state poses legal problems for the legality of personal data transfers to it post Brexit, and the UK and EU are not close to having a solution.
Read more...Sex workers in the UK are by now just another part of the online, freelance, customer-reviewed digital economy. They story of how they got there exposes a dangerous shift.
Read more...Why Northern Ireland poses even bigger hurdles to reaching a Brexit deal than you thought.
Read more...Rumors of Brexit progress seem to be greatly exaggerated.
Read more...Brexit news still looks decidedly uncheery.
Read more...Yet another hard/crashout Brexit train wreck: implementing adequate border controls.
Read more...The lay of the Brexit land is becoming clearer after the inconclusive October European Council summit.
Read more...EU leaders have apparently decided that dealing with Brexit isn’t a pressing matter. That’s not a good move.
Read more...Don’t kid yourself that the current relative calm on the Brexit front is a good thing.
Read more...Bad Brexit news just got worse.
Read more...It’s getting harder to figure out what exactly is happening on the Brexit front, but even through the fog of negotiations, things don’t seem to be getting any better.
Read more...Novating UK derivatives contracts entered into by EU clearinghouse members is a ginormous mess, particularly in a Brexit crashout. But how serious a mess?