“Want to See a Modern Country Commit Suicide? Take a Hard Look at Britain”
Post Brexit Britain is not doing at all well, and things are not going to take a turn any time soon.
Read more...Post Brexit Britain is not doing at all well, and things are not going to take a turn any time soon.
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Read more...Boris Johnson is expected to eyepoke the EU by reneging on the Norhtern Ireland protocol, presumbly to distract from domestic shortages.
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Read more...How economically faltering British aristocrats monetized their titles.
Read more...Russia and the UK take limited steps to slow the plastics juggernaut.
Read more...Prabhat Patnaik on imperialism and capitalism: to accumulate wealth, somewhere demand must be suppressed to provide cheap inputs.
Read more...UK enacts right to repair rules, which should make spare parts for some electrical devices and large household appliances more widely available.
Read more...Afghanistan as an echo of the end of imperial Britain.
Read more...UK biology professor Dave Goulson launches petition to ban spraying of chemical pesticides in public spaces and home gardens.
Read more...Now that Congress is showing interest in taking back its control of war powers, it could look at stealh warmaking via mercenaries too.