Category Archives: Water Cooler

2:00PM Water Cooler 7/3/2020

COVID-19 problem states ~ Obama on Biden ~ Turner on Biden Veepstakes ~ Biden as Nerva ~ Trump’s polling ~ Tucker Carlson trial balloon ~ Trillbillies’ Booker post mortem ~ Rail ~ Employment situation ~ Recover by 2027 ~ Hydroxychloroquine once more ~ Ghislaine Maxwell ~ Identity politics


2:00PM Water Cooler 7/1/2020

COVID-19 problem states ~ “Bar lives matter” ~ Biden and Barbara Lee ~ Biden and Bushies ~ Call for Sanders canvassers ~ James Fallows on Trump’s pandemic response ~ Booker concession ~ Kentucky balloting issues ~ Wirecard’s frozen accounts ~ Corvids ~ Divine ~ Droplet dispersal ~ RAF Luton


2:00PM Water Cooler 6/23/2020

COVID-19 in swing states, testing, Houston in trouble ~ Biden veep stakes: Karen Bass? ~ Biden’s hawkishness ~ Sanders agonidpol ~ DNC wants more money from Sanders ~ Trump in Tulsa ~ Michigan dead heat ~ Neera Tanden ~ Housing, manufacturing ~ Savings ~ Fireworks companies ~ College football ~ Wokeness ~ Zinn, Chomsky on Tolkien


2:00PM Water Cooler 6/19/2020

COVID-19 in the West ~ Klobuchar knifes Warren ~ Could Biden be running a genius-level campaign ~ Empathy ~ Who lost China? ~ Trump in Tulsa ~ Trump the undefeated ~ Amy McGrath ~ Rail, trucking, tankers ~ Go long Plexiglass ~ Ocean rise and the 30-year mortgage ~ Juneteenth ~ CHOP/CHAZ v. the Commune ~ R.I.P. Ian Holm ~ Smell and the brain


2:00PM Water Cooler 6/17/2020

COVID-19 in Florida ~ 2020 electoral map ~ Biden and Hispanic voters ~ Trump in Tulsa ~ Amy McGrath ~ Woke insurance ~ Warehouse demand ~ Restaurant cash crunch ~ Container collapse ~ Stranded crews ~ COVID-19 vaccine ~ Microbiome of the nose ~ Black Lives Matter leaderless ~ The Third Precinct ~ Ruth Wilson Gilmore ~ The Death Star ~ Feral hogs


2:00PM Water Cooler 6/15/2020

Regional COVID charts ~ DNC outbids Biden on climate (!) ~ Biden and Harris ~ Biden electoral map ~ Sanders and the telephone ~ Trump landslide? ~ Trump losing small-town America!? ~ Gorsuch on Title VII ~ Georgia voting debacle ~ Cheese ~ Oil tankers ~ Masks ~ Blood ~ Cats and “dateability”