Category Archives: Water Cooler

2:00PM Water Cooler 5/22/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: Biden, Buttigieg, Sanders, impeachment, 2018 voter turnout, DCCC, Apple, Facebook and marijuana, China’s rare earths, contract law, bees and 5G, virtual pipelines, feral horses, #MedicareForAll House Budget Committee, philanthropy (so-called), Appalachia, Fortnite


2:00PM Water Cooler 5/20/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: Nouriel Roubini on China v. US, Democrat insiders on a brokered convention, Biden, Inslee, Sanders, Democrats on FOX, Democrat big tent, national activity index, device ownership, Happy #WorldBeeDay, Game of Thrones debacle, AFL-CIO on the means of production, AI


2:00PM Water Cooler 5/9/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: China trade negotiations, Biden, Buttigieg, O’Rourke, Sanders and AOC, Trump fundraising, Warren on opioids (yay), impeachment, trade, jobless claims, prices, Amazon, Boeing, fossil fuel subsidies, rivers, MMT, airpods, cheeseburgers, obesity, Ani DiFranco


2:00PM Water Cooler 5/8/2019

Today’s Water Cooler, including Biden, Buttigieg, Sanders campaign, electability, RussiaGate and denial, P4AHCF, consumer credit, jobs, Amazon, Uber, CEO Group, bitcoin, AirPods, Mr. Market, biodegradeable plastic, manure, stratocumulus clouds, #MedicareForAll, streetlights, ancient stash


2:00PM Water Cooler 5/7/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: China trade negotiations, Festival of Biden, Sanders, Trump, pollsters, DNC thuggery, the State, Elon Musk, Kock Brothers and public transit, the right to drive, Google tech support, VIX, the boom, carbon farming, bats, insecticides, the Arctic, senior student loan debt, signage