Category Archives: Water Cooler

2:00PM Water Cooler 4/29/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: Festival of Biden, Buttigieg, Gravel, Hickenlooper, Moulton, O’Rourke, Sanders, Trump, Warren, Weld, the Clintons, redistricting, white nationalism, factory farms, personal income, manufacturing, UK fracking, ocean plastic, thunderstorms, reforestation, PFAS, Stanford University Press, adjuncts, Zuckerberg, computers and kids


2:00PM Water Cooler 4/24/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: Biden, Buttigieg, Castro, Gravel punches above his weight, Sanders, Warren, the Intercept v. Politico, Clinton on impeachment, housing, Tesla, Waymo, Boeing, Caterpillar, Facebook, permafrost, urban microbiota, Williams pipeline, Instagrammer union (!), psilocybin, Dr. Ruth


2:00PM Water Cooler 4/23/2019

By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Trade ISDS encourages off-shoring? See the extract from Stiglitz: I'm reading @JosephEStiglitz's new book, "People, Power, & Profits". Really appreciate this point about globalisation & wages: It's not just that wages are cheaper overseas, but our trade agreements give companies stronger rights if they invest overseas than at home. #ISDS […]


2:00PM Water Cooler 4/22/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: China trade, Buttigieg (black votes; homeless), Moulton, Sanders and reparations, Warren and college debt, organizing v. mobilizing, national activity, housing, Thin Mints, Union Pacific, fitness tracking, digital, the “Underland,” diatoms, cannabis, California, librarians, Notre Dame