Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The Myth That the US is Rapidly Approaching Bankruptcy

Michael Hudson and Richard Wolff take apart widespread myths about Federal spending and debts.

Another Regime Change Operation Begins to Fizzle in Venezuela, As Opposition Leader Flees to Spain

Does this mean Venezuela is about to have another parallel government with a puppet leader in exile? In other words, a Guaidó 2.0? Probably not.

How Corporate News Has Tried to Numb Americans to the Horrors in Gaza

A much-needed look at how the mainstream media has tried to ignore and even justify Israel’s genocide in Gaza

Kudos! Hit Third Fundraiser Target, On to the Fourth: Guest Bloggers

Please visit the Tip Jar to help give hefty bonuses to Naked Capitalism’s stellar roster of guest writers: Lambert. Conor, Nick, and KLG.

2:00PM Water Cooler 9/9/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler: Politics, syndemics ; Siena poll turns out not necessarily to Kamala’s advantage; Kennedy ad deserves to go viral; Kamala visits Penzeys spice in Pittsburgh; Boeing signals more work in Renton with industrial lease, contract proposal ~

Announcing Our 2024 “Double Your Donations” Challenge!

If you haven’t yet stepped up to support Naked Capitalism, this “double your donations” will turbocharge your contribution! Act now!

Russia’s Prosecution of the War in Ukraine: Can It Square the Circle of Probable Boundary Conditions?

Looking at a few likely Russian boundary conditions for its war in Ukraine suggests the end game will be tricky indeed.

Religion Matters for Economic Growth through Various Channels

Religion is a ubiquitous social phenomena that can spur or impair economic growth by affecting four elements of the macroeconomic production function – physical capital, human capital, population/labour, and total factor productivity.

Links 9/9/2024

Polish Foreign Minister Volunteers Country to Fight Russia

Sikorski wants to shoot down Russian missiles as pressure buildis on Germany to start footing more of the bill for US imperial ambitions.

Where Can We Live? The Homeless Crisis in America

The war on the homeless in the US has entered a very ugly phase.

Dick Cheney is a Horrible Human Being, and His Endorsement Should Be Seen as a Negative

Why would anyone be “honored” by Dick Cheney’s endorsement?

Naked Capitalism: An Invaluable Lifeline During a Pandemic of Misdirection by Our Elite

Naked Capitalism has been life-saving, so please give it the support it has earned!

A Failed Attempt at Market Manipulation

Markets that reference prices in other markets are common in the world of finance—all stock options and index futures have this property. But when it comes to electoral prediction markets, I see no rationale for such derivative contracts.

Links 9/8/2024