Saturday, October 12, 2024

Wolf Richter: Why Longer-Dated Treasury Yields Spiked. It’s Not Magic: Yield Solves All Demand Problems

Tsunami of issuance meets Fed QT, Skittish Foreign Buyers, and US buyers demanding to be compensated for the risks of out-of-control deficits in an inflationary environment.

Israel Intends to Make Gaza Uninhabitable by Cutting Power Permanently

Israel is now making no bones about the fact that it intends to make it impossible for humans, as in Palestinians, to live in Gaza.

Links 10/21/2023

India Expected To Reject Russian Demand To Pay For Oil In Chinese Yuan

As we warned, bilateral trade, here to avoid using the dollar, is messy. Russia is balking at taking more Indian rupees in payment for oil.

2:00PM Water Cooler 10/20/2023

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

Russia, China Unite Against US Empire

Michael Hudson on China’s wobbles, Russia-China cooperation, the revolt against colonialism and neoliberalism, and the conflict in Gaza.

Links 10/20/2023

More Good News for Cash in Europe, More Bad News for Digital Dollar in US

Recent developments suggest the trend away from cash and toward central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) may not be quite as smooth as some may have wished. 

The Explosion of Israel’s Formaldehyde Strategy in Gaza

There can be no peace in Palestine without justice, which means Israel’s policy of disengagement, brutal apartheid, and occupation must end.

The Need to Disarm the Discourse on China

On US escalation versus China, particularly on the PR front.

2:00PM Water Cooler 10/19/2023

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

The British Roots of the Conflict in Palestine

How the British set up and fed strife between Israeli and Palestine.

Links 10/19/2023

WSJ’s Greg Ip Discusses China Crisis Risk

Fed whisperer Greg Ip expresses cautious concern about China, based on the latest IMF forecasts.

30-Year Treasury Yield Spikes Past 5%, 30-Year Mortgage Rates Hit 8%, Mortgage Applications Plunge

Treasury bond bloodbath, housing Market in deep-freeze, as delusions fade.