Saturday, October 12, 2024

EPA Fast-Tracking of Gene-Altering Pesticide Sparks Concerns

The EPA is rushing a gene-changing pesticide through the approval process which would open the door to similar products from Big Chemical

2:00PM Water Cooler 10/18/2023

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

Iran Calls For Middle East States to Start Economic Escalation Via Oil Embargo On Israel

An oil embargo against Israel looks unlikely to have much economic impact but it could promote other Middle Eastern joint action.

Links 10/18/2023

Biden Gets Zelensky Treatment in Middle East as Israel Tries to Escalate

The Israel shelling of the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza was an escalation too far. But that does not mean Israel or the US will put on the brakes

Ethanol and Carbon Capture on the Great Plains

A mega project that would pipe carbon from five states and inject it underground in North Dakota relies on dubious technology, risks prolonging the ethanol boondoggle and could destroy lives and land. 

After Poland’s Elections: Democracy and Keynesianism?

A divergent take on Poland elections: PiS lost becaue it promised to address the costs of 1990s shock doctrine but then did little.

2:00PM Water Cooler 10/17/2023

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

New York City Will Send Migrant Families to Flood-Prone, Far-Off Tents

New York City will send arriving migrant families seeking shelter to a former airfield. Those now in shelters get 60-day eviction notices.

Links 10/17/2023

Why Did Colombia Change Its Mind About Expelling Israeli Ambassador Over Israel’s “Genocidal” Siege of Gaza?

“If diplomatic relations with Israel have to be suspended, we will suspend them. We do not support genocides,” said President Petro. But hours after expelling Israel’s ambassador, his government reversed course. 

‘Honey, I Bought My Football Team!’ The World of Sports Investments

Confirming that investors in football (as in the kind played all over the world) have money to burn, because that’s what they are probably doing.

Deaths of Despair Afflict More Cohorts Than Case-Deaton Originally Found

Deaths of despair turn out to be more widespread than thought earlier. Yet lack of interest in this collective tragedy persists.

2:00PM Water Cooler 10/16/2023

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

Links 10/16/2023