Saturday, October 12, 2024

Links 10/16/2023

Rob Urie: Is It Fascism Yet?

Rob Urie provides a follow-on post to focus on a topic he mentioned in passing: fascism on the left, and fascism generally.

How Widespread Is Price-Fixing in the US Economy?

DOJ finally goes after Agri Stats, a company notorious for helping the meat industry gouge producers, stores and consumers. Will the move serve as a warning for other industries? 

Wildfire Smoke Leaves Harmful Gases in Floors and Walls − Air Purifiers Aren’t Enough, New Study Shows, but You Can Clean It Up

An easy, cheap and effective way to improve indoor air quality following wildfires.

Drone Warfare in the Nuclear Age

American leadership drunk on its belief in its exceptionalism, drone and war with China edition.

Links 10/15/2023

Europe’s Anti-Immigrant Governments Learn to Love Immigration

European “nationalist” governments embrace EU-prescribed austerity and pursue exploitable immigrant labor for their overlords despite running on anti-immigrant platforms.

EPA Fast-Tracking of Gene-Altering Pesticide Sparks Concerns

“A vast, open-air genetic experiment.” What could go wrong? 

Links 10/14/2023

Book Review: How Our Roads Have Become an Invasive Species

In “Crossings,” Ben Goldfarb explores the science of road ecology, or how roadways affect plants and animal life.

‘Sacrifice Zones’: The New ‘Jim Crow’ That’s Sickening and Killing People of Color

“Sacrifice zones”—pollution hot spots—are a front line in an often deadly and steadily growing health crisis across the United States

2:00PM Water Cooler 10/13/2023

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

Israel Accused of ‘Blatant War Crime’ as Human Rights Watch Confirms White Phosphorus Used in Gaza

Human Rights Watch: “White phosphorus … poses a high risk of excruciating burns and lifelong suffering,”

Links 10/13/2023

Relations Sour Between US and Colombia Over Colombian President Petro’s Refusal to Condemn Hamas

“The only way for Palestinian children to sleep in peace is for Israeli children to sleep in peace. The only way for Israeli children to sleep in peace is for Palestinian children to sleep in peace. War will never achieve this.”