Saturday, October 12, 2024

Links 10/13/2023

Relations Sour Between US and Colombia Over Colombian President Petro’s Refusal to Condemn Hamas

“The only way for Palestinian children to sleep in peace is for Israeli children to sleep in peace. The only way for Israeli children to sleep in peace is for Palestinian children to sleep in peace. War will never achieve this.”

Michael Hudson: IMF Showdown with China in Morocco

China is challenging the US retaining what amounts to veto rights at the IMF. What next?

Acceleration of Inflation Continues, Core Services Inflation Spikes Despite the Massive Health-Insurance Adjustment

A year of health-insurance adjustments pushed down core CPI and core services CPI; inflation adjustments swing the other way next month.

2:00PM Water Cooler 10/12/2023

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

September Producer Prices Confirm Tailwind of Falling Commodity Prices Has Ended

The commodity price break, which worked its way down to consumers, is ending. What next?

UK Palestine Groups To Defy Suella Braverman’s Crackdown

Quelle surprise! The UK Home Office is trying to use pro-Palestine protests as an excuse to suppress speech.

Links 10/12/2023

Your Devices Spy Even More on You: Barometric Readings and Google’s Passkey Default

Some sightings on the “your smartphone is a spy” front.

With Whales in Trouble, Conservationists, Fishers, and Others Team Up to Protect Them

A California program aims to help the fishing industry and marine wildlife adjust to warming oceans. Whales as a case study.

2:00PM Water Cooler 10/11/2023

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

Beware Climate Finance Charade

Finance has increased, not reduced, greenhouse gas emissions. Yet the industry is bizarrely touted as part of the solution.

Links 10/11/2023

Why Don’t Americans Trust Scientists? Or Do They? And Why This Matters

A paper on trust in scientists with respect to climate change overeggs its data in its Abstract. Hhhm.

The Silence of the Bears – Russia Is Reorienting Towards the Arabs

Russia, which has tried to be even-handed in the Middle East, now looks to be moving into the pro-Arab camp.