Saturday, October 12, 2024

Happy Talk About US Slowdown a Recession Warning as China Growth Also Weakening

Recession complacency means things are wobblier than they seem.

Links 10/2/2023

Armenia’s Bleak Future Thanks to US Neocons 

US actions will only push other regional actors closer together, isolate Armenia, and likely lead to further territory losses for Yerevan. But at least the neocons scored a temporary PR victory. 

City Caught Flat-Footed on Flood as Deluge Dredges Up Past Lessons

New York City parents, public officials and climate advocates all say the mayor and his team were ill-prepared for the effects of a storm that was on the radar days before.

No Energy Transition Unless Tech Can Make It Cost Competitive: BlackRock

What happens to countries and populations that can’t afford higher cost green energy?

Ukraine Endgame Accelerates as Congress Denies Any Funding in Stopgap Bill and Fico Wins in Slovakia Vote

Project Ukraine is going wobbly.

Links 10/1/2023

US Tries to Play Hardball with India

The neocons go to their usual playbook. Meanwhile, India expands trade routes with Russia and looks for a way forward with Beijing. 

Response to Douthat on Two-Parent Families

Matt Bruenig responds to New York Times columnist Ross Douthat’s thoughts on his recent analysis of the flaws in the methodology used to argue that offspring benefit from married parents. 

Links 9/30/2023

Everyone Versus Google: Will Big Tech Be Held Accountable?

Google is in the hot seat, but it’s going to be a “big fight,” warns antitrust expert Mark Glick.

Human Prehistory: How Can We Understand the Passage of Time?

A meditation on prehistory.

2:00PM Water Cooler 9/29/2023

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

The Neoclassical Growth of China

A model finds that China closely tracked the trajectory of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. Does this claim hold up to close scrutiny?

Links 9/29/2023